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Side effects
Increased levels of hormones as a result of intake of Drospirenone can lead to certain side effects. Side effects can also result from missing a dose of Drospirenone or due to an overdose. The commonly encountered symptoms are nausea, vomiting, headaches, breast tenderness and enlargement, water retention in the body, weight gain, vaginal thrush and changes in the menstrual cycle. Symptoms that call for medical attention are depression, higher blood pressure and abnormal liver functioning.Drospirenone is to be administered only to adult women desiring to prevent pregnancy. Girls or men should not take it. Higher levels of alcohol are believed to interfere with the action of this drug. Women consuming Drospirenone should not consume higher levels of alcohol.
Drospirenone is a daily dose drug. You can buy Drospirenone online and start using it the first day of the menstrual cycle. After the first dose, it should be continued daily. If you miss a dose, the chances of getting pregnant become higher. Drospirenone should not be taken along with any other oral contraceptive pills. You can order Drospirenone drug online without any hassles.
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