

Suprax (Generic Cefixime)


Cefixime is an orally dynamic third era cephalosporin exceptionally dynamic against Haemophilus influenzae, S.Pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis and is impervious to numerous lactamases. Suprax is a long acting cephalosporin anti-infection. Suprax is utilized for respiratory, urinary, skin and delicate tissue diseases. Nonexclusive variations of the medication are likewise accessible now and you can undoubtedly purchase Cefixime here.


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Side effects

The normal symptoms revealed with Suprax during clinical preliminaries are looseness of the bowels, free stools, stomach torment, dyspepsia, sickness, regurgitating, pseudomembranous colitis, skin rashes, urticaria, tranquilize fever, pruritus, angioedema, facial edema, cerebral pains, dazedness, seizures transient thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia, eosinophilia, hyperbilirubinemia, genital pruritus, vaginitis, candidiasis and poisonous epidermal necrolysis.


Cefixime potentiates the anticoagulant impact of warfarin and other oral coumarin anticoagulants and builds prothrombin time. The accompanying organization of carbamazepine and Cefixime isn’t demonstrated. Cefixime is an expansive range anti-toxin and it can cause improvement of obstruction and development of non-helpless living beings. The drawn out utilization of Cefixime can bring about the advancement of superinfection. Cefixime isn’t for the most part suggested for use by pregnant ladies and nursing moms. The portion of Suprax ought to be brought down in patients with renal impedance and in patients who are experiencing dialysis. Suprax ought to be utilized with alert in people with a past filled with gastrointestinal ailment. Suprax ought to be given with alert in patients with renal or hepatic debilitation or poor healthful state as Cefixime can cause a fall in prothrombin movement.

Additional Information


100mg, 200 mg


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