Clopidogrel Bisulfate


Plavix (Generic Clopidogrel Bisulfate)


Clopidogrel is a prodrug that interferes with platelet function and is useful in the prophylaxis of thromboembolic disorders. Antiplatelet drugs like Clopidogrel are more useful in arterial thrombosis, while anticoagulants are more effective in venous thrombosis. Prostacyclin (PGI2) synthesized in intima of blood vessels is a strong inhibitor of platelet aggregation. The Platelet sticks to damaged vessel wall and releases ADP and thrombaxane A2 (TXA2). A balance between TXA2 and PGI2 control intravascular thrombus formation. Clopidogrel prolongs the bleeding time and increases the platelet survival in extracorpeal circulation. Generic variants of Plavix are also available now. You can buy Clopidogrel here


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Side effects

The common side effects reported with Clopidogrel are chest pain, influenza like symptoms, pain, fatigue, edema, hypertension, head ache, dizziness, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea, nausea, hypercholesterolemia, back pain , purpura, depression, upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, coughing and urinary tract infection.


The concomitant use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and Plavix should be avoided as it can cause occult gastrointestinal blood loss. The co-administration of Plavix and warfarin should be done with caution, as there is a risk of increased bleeding. Plavix should be used with caution in patients with renal or hepatic impairment. Clopidogrel should not be administered to pregnant women. If it is an absolute must to take Plavix during pregnancy, it should be administered under the supervision of a medical practitioner. Clopidogrel should not be administered to nursing mothers and in pediatric patients. Plavix is contraindicated in patients with peptic ulcer or intracranial hemorrhage.


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