Selegiline HCL


Selegiline is a selective MAO-B inhibitor. Monoamine oxidase has two isoenzymes ie MAO-A and MAO-B. These isoenzymes are present in the peripheral adrenergic structures and intestinal mucosa. MAO-B is abundantly present in brain and blood platelets. Selegiline in low doses not interfere with metabolism of dietary amines and hypertensive action does not develop. Selegiline causes intracerebral degradation of dopamine, which is responsible for therapeutic effect in Parkinson’s disease. Eldepryl is administered along with levodopa to increase motor fluctuations and decrease wearing off effect. You can now easily buy Selegiline here


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How does Selegiline / Generic of Eldepryl work?

The oxidation of dopamine and environmental toxins in the striatum by MAO to free radicals cause Parkinson€™ disease. Eldepryl delays the progression of the disorder.


Side effects of Selegiline / Generic of Eldepryl

The common side effects reported with Eldepryl are increased tremor, chorea, loss of balance, restlessness, blepharospasm, increased bradykinesia, tardive dyskinesia, dystonic symptoms, dyskinesia, involuntary movements, freezing, festination, hallucinations, dizziness, confusion, anxiety, depression, drowsiness, behavior/mood change, headache, back pain, leg pain, tinnitus, migraine, supraorbital pain, throat burning, orthostatic hypotension, hypertension, arrhythmia, palpitations, new or increased angina pectoris, nausea/vomiting, constipation, weight loss, anorexia, poor appetite, dysphagia and diarrhea.


Guidelines before using Selegiline

The concomitant administration of Selegiline and meperidine can cause stupor, muscular rigidity, severe agitation, and elevated temperature. It is not advisable to consume the Eldepryl during pregnancy. If it is an absolute must to take Eldepryl during pregnancy, it should be administered under the supervision of a medical practitioner. Eldepryl should be used with caution in nursing mothers.


What are the common dosages of Selegiline

The recommended starting dose of Eldepryl is 10 mg per day administered as divided doses of 5 mg each taken at breakfast and lunch. Eldepryl is used along with levodopa/ carbidopa.



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