

Piracetam is a cyclic GABA derivative but has no GABA like activity. Piracetam selectively improves efficiency of higher telencephalic integrative activities by enhancement of learning and memory. Nootropil facilitates interhemisphere information transfer and increases tonic cortical control on subcortical areas. Nootropil is used in senile dementia and confusional stages of old age. Nootropil is indicated in children for mental retardation and learning problems. It is used in cerebrovascular accidents to hasten recovery of neuronal functions and reduces impairment of consciousness following brain surgery and central vertigo. You can now easily buy Piracetam here

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How does Piracetam,Breinox, Dinagen, Nootropyl wor

Piracetam does not have agonistic or inhibitory effect on synaptic junction like other neurotransmitters. Nootropil influences cognitive function without acting as a sedative or a stimulant. Nootropil acts on ion channels (Na+, K+) or ion carriers leading to non-specific increased neuron excitability. Piracetam increases blood flow and oxygen consumption in parts of the brain by increasing ATP metabolism.  Piracetam improves the function of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine through muscarinic cholinergic (ACh) receptors, which are implicated in memory processes. Piracetam also acts on NMDA glutamate receptors, which is involved in learning and memory processes. Nootropil increases cell membrane permeability.


Side effects of Piracetam

The common side effects reported with Nootropil are anxiety, insomnia, irritability, headache, agitation, nervousness, tremor, anxiety, trembling, fatigue, drowsiness, occasional dryness of the mouth, increased libido, weight gain and hypersensitive skin reactions.


Guidelines before using Piracetam

Nootropil should not be administered in patients with severe renal impairment. The concomitant use of Piracetam and thyroid hormone extracts produce confusion, irritability and sleeping disorders. It is not advisable to consume the Nootropil during pregnancy. If it is an absolute must to take Nootropil during pregnancy, it should be administered under the supervision of a medical practitioner. Nootropil is not recommended for use by nursing mothers.


What are the common dosages of Piracetam

The recommended starting dosage of Nootropil is 800mg to 1g three times daily. The dose of Piracetam in children is 20mg/kg twice or thrice daily.